Name Of the Aspirant*
Gender* —Please choose an option—MaleFemale
Father's Name*
Mother's Name
Permanent Address*
Correspondence Address
Student Mobile No.*
Father's Mobile No.*
Parent WhatsApp Number*
Hostel Required* —Please choose an option—YesNo
Category —Please choose an option—GENOBCSCSTEWSOthers
If Other's*
Date of Birth*
Select State* —Please choose an option—HIMACHAL PRADESHPUNJAB
Select District*
Name Of School (Where Presently Studying)
Address Of the School
Class Applying For* —Please choose an option—Crash CourseDropper's BatchXIXII
Select Course* —Please choose an option—MedicalNon-Medical
Class Applying For* —Please choose an option—IXVI
Select Course* —Please choose an option—FoundationSainik School
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Select As Confirm I hereby declare that the above said information is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
1. Photo Size must be less than 200kb. Image type png, jpg, and jpeg only acceptable. 2. Signature Image must be less than 80kb. Image type png, jpg, and jpeg only acceptable.